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OE Companion
QuickBooks Online

Inventory control

I buy a Bag for $13. It resells at three difference prices but the prices are NOT based on a percentage.

For retail I entered the Bag into QB as -    rBag at $18
For home reps I entered the Bag into QB as - hBag at $22
For customers I entered the Bag into QB as -  Bag at $32

How do I manage my inventory on this item since when I enter a sale on this item it is list three different ways??
Rita Jent Send private email
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Hi Rita - Unless you have a need to generate sales reports based on each price category, I would keep all your inventory for bags in one item. That's going to give you a much better ability to track and control your inventory.

You'll have to adjust the price for each customer when you create an invoice or sales receipt, but your other alternative is to add all your inventory counts together. Hope that makes sense. Please let me know if I can answer any more questions.
Neal Send private email
Friday, August 28, 2009

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