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What is a successful business?

What is a successful business?
calissa Send private email
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Everyone understands the success of a business in their own way, but there are specific financial indicators that are applicable for evaluating an enterprise of any type:
profitability - the business must be profitable, otherwise it is just entertainment for the owner, taking away money;
dynamics and growth - success can be measured by the growth of assets, in particular, the opening of branches;
reputation - if the company is respected among customers and in the business environment, then this is one of the achievements of the owner.
gek kar Send private email
Thursday, June 11, 2020
“Brand advocates are the best“ tool ”for attracting clients.” Brand advocates (here you can find out What is brand advocacy https://topfacemedia.com/en/blog/what-is-brand-advocacy ) certainly represent value for the company. However, it’s not enough to “get” brand supporters: it is important to strengthen communication with them. And here you need to be prepared for the fact that: maintaining relationships with brand advocates can be difficult, as this usually takes a lot of time and effort;it’s difficult to pursue a single marketing strategy, because brand supporters like to talk, and their statements are not always consistent with your current advertising tasks.
strumma Send private email
Saturday, June 13, 2020

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